Reverse Engineer / PWN / ex-CTFer
I’m a Year 2 Computer Science Undergraduate @ NUS.
I started off as a game hacker since 2012. I have been dabbling in various cybersecurity field over these years. I started playing CTFs as an alternate means to enhance my cybersecurity skills over live targets. I am experienced in the following fields:
I want to explore:
Singapore’s first 48hr CTF. My first champion title in tertiary competition.
You can view my other selected achievements @ resume
As a member at T0X1C V4P0R, we were very quite active from 2017-2019. As you can see from our ctftime
Now, I just hang out with random teams and help my friends who are trying to get into the Cybersec field. Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more or play CTF with me.
Actively looking for summer / winter internship opportunities.
Feel free to email me about any cybersecurity matters.
My current local time is .